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Seed Network and Fairs

Seed Network and Fairs

Heñói was born in 2010 as a collective in defense of native and traditional seeds. Years before the NGO was created, the collective began developing training workshops and advocacy activities, and organizing regional and national seed fairs.

2017 Fair. With support of Greengrant Found.

2018 Fair. With support of Casa Gagga.

2019 Fairs. With support of Casa Gagga, in Encarnación, Caaguazu, and Asunción.

2020 Tour. With support of PPM. Formal creation of the Seed Network.

2021 Fairs. In Asuncion and Encarnación, with support of Green Livelyhood Alliance GLA2, and PPM.

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Evaluation of the social and environmental profitability of peasant farms, with emphasis on productive sustainability and natural resources management

Evaluation of the social and environmental profitability of peasant farms, with emphasis on productive sustainability and natural resources management

Support from: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Period: March – June 2021

General purpose:

Demonstrate with empirical data the advantages and economic, social, and environmental benefits of agroecological practices and the sustainable management of natural resources, to strengthen social awareness on these ways of production and life.

Specific objectives:

  1. Analyze and systematize field information from three farms with management
    agroecological, in its economic, social and environmental dimensions, with emphasis on the
    sustainability and sustainable management of natural resources.
  2. Improve the arguments in defense of agroecological practices and management
    sustainable use of natural resources, disseminated in printed and digital materials of
    easy access.
  3. Influence the debate on production models, both within the
    peasant and indigenous organizations as well as citizens in general.
Strengthening Horticultural Production in the Central Department

Strengthening Horticultural Production in the Central Department

Support from: Bread for the World Cooperation Agency (PPM).

Period: May 2019 – July 2020

Overall objective:

• Horticultural producers from the Central Department linked to the National Peasant Federation have strengthened their organizational, production and marketing system, and promoted proposals before the municipal governments to improve the conditions of the sector, achieving visibility and citizen support.

Specific objectives:

• Organized horticultural producers from the districts of Itá, Itaugua and J.A. Saldívar from the Central department, have strengthened their organization, their production and marketing.

• Greater visibility, recognition and support have been achieved for the sector of small horticultural producers.

From resistance to solutions: defeating exclusion and strengthening social justice

From resistance to solutions: defeating exclusion and strengthening social justice

Support from: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Period: March – June 2020

Overall objective:

Articulate dialogues with social actors from the countryside and the city, around the production and life models in dispute, in order to strengthen sustainable alternatives.

Specific objectives:

  1. Promote analysis and articulated debates on the production models in dispute, with social organizations and institutions.
  2. Influencing public opinion through commercial and alternative media.
  3. Systematize in a document the debates and the conclusions that emerge from the exchange spaces.
Social and environmental profitability of a peasant community

Social and environmental profitability of a peasant community

Support from: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Overall objective:

Based on empirical information, offer social organizations ideas and arguments that demonstrate the advantages, potential and sustainability of peasant ways of life and production.

Specific objectives:

  1. Have field information on a peasant settlement, in its economic, social and environmental dimensions, which allows for a comprehensive evaluation of its social and environmental profitability.
  2. Compare the results of the peasant settlement with a large estate with a similar territorial dimension.
  3. Improve the arguments in defense of peasant agriculture, with dissemination materials in simple and attractive formats.
Comparative analysis of the social and environmental profitability of peasant farms and business farms

Comparative analysis of the social and environmental profitability of peasant farms and business farms

Support from: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Period: January – May 2018

Overall objective:

Offer social organizations ideas and arguments that demonstrate the advantages and sustainability of peasant ways of life and production.

Specific objectives:

  1. Have field information on soybean and peasant farms, in their economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions, which allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the social and environmental profitability of both forms of production.
  2. Improve the arguments in defense of small peasant agriculture, with dissemination materials in simple and attractive formats.
Project: In defense of the Chaco

Project: In defense of the Chaco

Support from: Greengrant Found

Period: January – April 2018

Overall objective:

To collect critical information about the northern part of the Paraguayan Chaco, for the encouraging of social advocacy towards the protection of its biodiversity and its population

Specific objectives:

• Have cartographic information on ownership and concentration of land and deforestation that evidences the process of destruction of the north of Chaco.

• Have a critical analysis of cartographic information, from an economic and social perspective, to provide elements of evaluation to civil society.

• Disseminate systematized and processed information in simple and attractive formats in order to raise awareness among opinion leaders, leaders of social organizations -especially indigenous- and the population in general about the process of destruction of biodiversity and its social impacts in the Chaco region.