
Center for Studies and Promotion
of Democracy, Human Rights and
Socio-environmental Sustainability.


Camila Escauriza

About to graduate as an accountant, her work focuses on the administration of private entities and civil society. She defines herself as an activist, manager, and feminist.

 Mail: camiescauriza@gmail.com

Inés Franceschelli

Trained in communication, she has worked in mass media, in business and organizational communication strategies, and is currently dedicated to research and advocacy on issues related to land disputes, agribusiness and human rights violations. Her focus is in the fight against the advance of corporate control over the agri-food systems, from an anticapitalist and internationalist perspective.

Mail: ineselisafranceschelli@gmail.com

Miguel Lovera Ph.D.

He is an agronomist from the University Nacional de Asunción, and has a doctorate from Georgia State Agrarian University. He has devoted his career to in situ plant conservation through a diverse set of activities ranging from scientific and technical research, policy and advocacy, activism, and civil service. The main focus of his work is understanding the interactions between science and policy.

Mail: miguellovera.iam@gmail.com

Sara Montiel

Environmental Engineer, graduated at the College of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Her areas of interest are conservation of forests and biodiversity, defense of the rights of peasant and indigenous sectors with gender perspective approaches. Joined the Heñói team in 2021, she is currently supporting the operation and strengthening of the Seed Network, a connection platform for seed producers nationwide.

Mail: sara.montiel12@gmail.com

Ángel Tuninetti Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor in the Humanities, West Virginia University. Bachelor of Arts from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and Doctor in Hispanic American Literature from Washington University in St. Louis (USA), he has a long career as a teacher and researcher on issues of Latin American culture, including travel literature, food cultures and interculturality. In addition, he has extensive experience in university management and in internationalization of higher education.

Mail: angeltuninetti@gmail.com

Omar T. Yampey

Sociologist, Master in Sociology and Political Science from the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA). Researcher in various areas of Sociology, such as Rural Sociology, Social Movements, Sociology of Development, and Political Sociology. Founding member of the Paraguayan Association of Sociology (APS). Passionate about music and culinary art. Convinced that the ultimate task of science and knowledge is, as Bertolt Brecht said, “alleviating the misery of human existence”, highlighting the mechanisms of power that generate inequality, injustice and exploitation, and accompanying the processes of struggle and transformation that the oppressed peoples of the world have been carrying out looking for a social organization superior to the current capitalism.

Mail: omaryampey@gmail.com 

Sandino Flecha

Trained in Human Ecology from the School of Agrarian Sciences of the National University of Asunción, he works as photographer, audiovisual producer, and journalist. He is currently the organization’s communications manager.

Email: sandinoflecha@gmail.com

Elisa Marecos

Trained in Human Ecology from the School of Agrarian Specialist in visual narrative, she studied Communication Sciences at the School of Philosophy of the National University of Asunción. She works as photographer, journalist, and audiovisual producer. She is currently in charge of communications in Heñói.

Email: elisamarsal96@gmail.com

Romina Martinez

Training in Business Administration at the Universidad Iberoamericana. She stands out for her responsibility, organization, ability to work as a team, and desire to learn.

Email: romimartt6@gmail.com

Alhelí González Cáceres

Has a degree in Economy from the University of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Master in Social Sciences with a Mention in Social Development and Research from FLACSO Paraguay. She is a doctoral student in Economics at the Institute of Industry, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina.