(Teamwork with NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark)
Support from: CISU – Civil Society in Development, Denmark.
Period: August 2021 – February 2023
Overall objective:
Protect indigenous genetic material and make it available to more small-scale food producers. The protection and promotion of indigenous seed production is a step towards achieving food sovereignty and climate justice for the rural population of Paraguay.
Specific objectives:
• Record the availability of native and traditional seeds in the hands of peasants and indigenous communities and facilitate better communication and exchange of information between seed producers.
• More peasant and indigenous seed producers are involved in the production and multiplication of native and traditional seeds.
• The seed network increases public awareness of the human rights violations associated with large-scale agricultural expansion, the importance of seed production and food sovereignty.
• The seed network creates a body of knowledge that documents human rights violations against indigenous and peasant communities and is monitoring the situation.